Фірмове меню Фірмове меню

хот-дог Фірмовий, картопля фрі, Coca-Cola 0,5 л

234 грн
260 грн
Німецьке меню Німецьке меню

хот-дог Німецький, картопля фрі, Coca-Cola 0,5 л

216 грн
240 грн
Американське меню Американське меню

хот-дог Американський, картопля фрі, Coca-Cola 0,5 л

207 грн
230 грн
225 г
Фірмовий Фірмовий

Булка, соус Кисло-солодкий, Сосиска "Пікнік", бекон смажений, огірок квашений, смажені гриби, цибуля синя

141 грн
240 г
Американський Американський

Булка, соус Гірчичний, сосиска "З сиром", коул-слоу (містить цибулю), огірок квашений

117 грн
220 г
Німецький Німецький

Булка, соус Барбекю, сосика "Пікнік", бекон смажений, огірок квашений

122 грн
140 г
Нагетси Нагетси

м'ясо куряче, яйце куряче, сухарі панірувальні, борошно пшеничне, кетчуп

99 грн
140 г
Сир Брі фрі з малиновим соусом Сир Брі фрі з малиновим соусом

сир Брі, сухарі Панко, соус малиновий

158 грн
85/50 г
Креветки темпура з соусом тартар Креветки темпура з соусом тартар

креветки, темпура, сухарі Панко, соус тартар

195 грн
150 г
Картопля фрі Картопля фрі

картопля фрі

77 грн
220 г
Картопля фрі Велика Картопля фрі Велика

картопля фрі

101 грн
225 г
Картопля фрі з допами Картопля фрі з допами

картопля фрі, соус Чедер, цибулевий кранч, бекон смажений

111 грн
200 г
Картопляні крокети Картопляні крокети

картопля, масло вершкове, молоко, борошно, сухарі панко

93 грн
200/50 г
Сирні кульки з малиновим соусом Сирні кульки з малиновим соусом

сир Моцарела, сир Пармезан, Крем-сир, сухарі Панко, соус малиновий

141 грн
50 г
Сирний чедер Сирний чедер

сир Чеддер, сир Пармезан, сир Дорблю, вершки, соєвий соус, спеції

50 грн
50 г
Кетчуп Кетчуп


30 грн
50 г
Бургерний соус Бургерний соус

майонез, кетчуп, гірчиця

40 грн


Appetizing shawarma in Uzhhorod is a classic street food that came to us from Eastern cultures. Crispy pita bread, juicy meat and fresh vegetables, spicy sauce – it’s just perfect for a hearty snack. And although the dish is quite high in calories, classic Uzhhorod shawarma is very tasty. So sometimes you can indulge in such a delicacy.

Order shawarma in Uzhhorod from LA PIEC

Kebab Uzhhorod has an interesting history, and the first mention of the dish was in the times of the Ottoman Empire, in the 19th century. Back then, they started grilling meat on a vertical grill. The finished meat was cut into thin slices, added with sauce and wrapped in pita bread. Many years have passed, and there are different recipes for the dish. But the technology of making kebabs has remained unchanged. The original recipe uses lamb. But today they are experimenting with different types of meat.

Fast delivery of shawarma Uzhhorod is a very popular service, which is appreciated by users. You can order a delicious snack for work and home. The service is available both on weekends and on weekdays. It will help out in the most unexpected situations:

Fast delivery of shawarma Uzhhorod is a very popular service, which is appreciated by users. You can order a delicious snack for work and home. The service is available both on weekends and on weekdays. It will help out in the most unexpected situations:

  • when you have neither the energy nor the time to cook something for dinner;
  • when you don’t have time to have lunch;
  • when you are tired of the usual dishes and want to diversify the menu;
  • when guests are on the doorstep and the fridge is empty.

After all, you don’t have to wait for a special occasion to try delicious Uzhhorod shawarma. It takes a few minutes to place an order, and the hot dish will give you a real gastronomic pleasure.

LA PIEC is a proven shawarma delivery Uzhhorod. The service offers a large selection of dishes and fast delivery. In addition to kebabs in Uzhhorod, you can order delicious salads, potato croquettes, French fries, and delicious sauces.

Fast delivery of kebabs within Uzhhorod

Shawarma in LA PIEC is prepared only after ordering. Only fresh ingredients and proven recipes are used. No frozen products or yesterday’s preparations. Therefore, you will get a fresh dish with a rich taste and aroma. Couriers deliver orders in special thermal bags, so the shawarma will be still warm. Delivery of kebabs Uzhhorod to the green zone takes up to 29 minutes, and to the yellow zone – up to 59 minutes.

The Meat Symphony kebab with pork and chicken thigh fillet will be appreciated by true meat eaters. And the Solid kebab is perfect when you want something hearty and spicy at the same time. A very appetizing option is the My chicken kebab. There is a choice for every taste!

LA PIEC – The best shawarma delivery in Uzhhorod

Shawarma delivery in Uzhhorod from LA PIEC has a number of advantages:

  • Large selection of dishes. Pizza, burgers, salads, desserts, drinks – there is everything you need for a snack at work or a light dinner at home.
  • Affordable prices. The cost of ready-made dishes is affordable, so you can always enjoy something delicious. Ordering shawarma in Uzhhorod is more profitable than cooking yourself.
  • Promotions and discounts. If you want, you can order a combo menu: kebab, fries and Coca-Cola.
  • Quality and freshness. LA PIEC values customer trust, so all dishes are prepared only from fresh and high-quality ingredients. The menu is constantly updated and expanded.
  • Fast delivery of kebabs Uzhhorod. Extensive experience and professional approach allows the chefs to prepare a delicious kebab in Uzhhorod in a matter of minutes. And couriers will make every effort to ensure that you get the dish hot.

Order menu, sauces and side dishes with kebab delivery in Uzhhorod

LA PIEC service is a large selection of dishes, always fresh and high-quality ingredients. Thanks to their extensive experience, the chefs can prepare a delicious kebab in minutes. Couriers will make every effort to ensure that you receive the dish while it is still hot.

In order to order a kebab in Uzhhorod, you need to go to the LA PIEC website or the app. The site has a detailed description of all dishes and ingredients. So you can choose what you want without any problems. You can choose not only a classic kebab, but also other options. And thanks to delicious sauces, you can diversify the taste of the kebab.

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💰 Яка вартість доставки?

Вартість доставки 40 грн.

💳 Чи можлива оплата карткою?

Так! Ви можете розрахуватися картою на сайті, або при отримані замовлення.

🚀 Скільки чекати на доставку?

Доставка в зелену зону Ужгорода– до 29 хвилин. Доставка в жовту зону – до 59 хвилин.

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