tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, tomatoes
30 сmWeight:
400 gCheese cheddar
50 g 50 UAHKetchup
50 g 30 UAHBurger sauce
50 g 40 UAHSour-salt sauce
50 g 30 UAHGarlic sauce
50 g 30 UAHCaesar sauce
50 g 40 UAHBarbecue sauce
50 g 35 UAHParmesan cheese
50 gMozzarella cheese
100 gHam
50 gProsciutto
50 gMushrooms
50 gTomatoes
50 gBell pepper
50 gChili pepper
30 gOnion
25 gOlives
50 gCorn
50 gPineapple
50 gBavarian sausages
50 gPepperoni
50 gSalami
50 gChicken
50 gSalmon
50 gArugula
10 gDorblu cheese
50 gEvery admirer of “minimum ingredients — maximum taste” invariably chooses pizza “Margarita”. And we eternally love all our customers regardless of their preferences, so we couldn’t deprive you of your favorite taste.
Being created in Naples, it managed to get to “La Piec” without losing its classic taste. The list of ingredients remained classic, too — mozzarella cheese, tomatoes, and a signature tomato sauce.
The only thing about this “Margarita” that is different from classic is fast delivery. If you don’t want to fly over to Naples, but crave “Margarita” and would do anything to taste it in an hour — we are ready to take your order!